Thursday, April 16, 2009


When Yoda appeared in The Empire Strikes Back, he was 974 years old. He's always been old. But what must he have been like as a young Jedi? I imagine he was pretty wild and did a lot of damage before settling down in mid-age (600?) to adopt the wise old master vibe. So what was Yoda like back in the day? These are just two quick sketches, only a couple of inches wide, as I start to explore. I'd like to return to this idea as time allows.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Life Drawing

A few of my favorites from life drawing, held every two weeks at Fox TV Animation. These were done with a felt tip pen. These poses were held for 2-3 minutes. Fast and in ink - no time for mistakes or worries.

Revised Klingon Design

It wasn't until after I posted the last version that I looked at it fresh one morning and said, "Damn, the perspective is all wrong on the shoulders!" Don't let anyone tell you art is easy. Here's the new body on the Klingon: